What does it mean to be young, Black, and Democrat in the South? WHILE I BREATHE, I HOPE unravels this question through the experiences of South Carolina politician Bakari Sellers. The film follows Sellers on his 2014 bid for Lt. Governor, through the Charleston Shootings in 2015, and to the present as he takes on a national role on CNN and considers his future in Trump’s America.

Website | Bakarisellersdocumentary.com
Facebook | Facebook.com/BakariSellersDoc
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What does it mean to be young, Black, and Democrat in the South? WHILE I BREATHE, I HOPE unravels this question through the experiences of South Carolina politician Bakari Sellers. The film follows Sellers on his 2014 bid for Lt. Governor, through the Charleston Shootings in 2015, and to the present as he takes on a national role on CNN and considers his future in Trump’s America.

Website | Bakarisellersdocumentary.com
Facebook | Facebook.com/BakariSellersDoc
Instagram | Instagram.com/BakariSellersDoc
Twitter | Twitter.com/BakariDoc