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History & Biography

Down In the Hollow

Nathan Roark uses hand-cut firewood in his wood stove for warmth and cooking in his hand-built house which he shares with his wife and two kids in the Blue Ridge

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Production still - The director walking past a large image of a Black woman.


MOMMA & ME makes use of Nettie’s and Natalie’s loving, yet complicated mother/daughter relationship to explore the beauty standard – and how it’s complicated by aging – to better understand

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Overhead shot of inside of brewery. Black woman stands to side with hands on hips looking deep in thought. Metal sign "BEER" on wooden table in middle of the room to her left.


If you walk into the average American brewery, pub, or bottle shop you might pass a few cornhole boards on your way in, hear 90s rock or alternative music piped

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Satana Deberry

Black officials in cities with significant black populations face a unique task. They are elected by everyone, to protect everyone, knowing all too well that the worst crimes and policies

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