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Environment & Nature

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As the rate of hateful legislation rises across the State of Florida, so too are the severity and frequency of climate disasters, creating compounding threats to the safety of socially-targeted

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In ‘Once Upon a Wetland’, a heartwarming and quirky documentary set in Durham, North Carolina, the nearly two-decade-old Beaver Queen Pageant shines as a beacon of hope and celebration. This

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After the stress of prison life, six women find themselves nurtured and supported in a calm, agricultural sanctuary when they move to Benevolence Farm, a transitional house on a working

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After Coal

What happens when fossil fuels run out? After Coal explores the experiences of both Welsh and Appalachian coal-mining communities, profiling inspiring individuals who are creating a new future for these

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Rock Castle Home

In the mid-1930s, the Blue Ridge Parkway was born. As Rock Castle Gorge became part of the National Park Service’s plan to lure tourists to the Blue Ridge, farm families

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